Our approach
When we dig a little deeper, looking not only at the nutrition, we can get to the why, the root of the current problem and that is what I am here to do. Help find the root of the problem.
What was that initial trigger in a child developing fussy eating?
What precipitated your child’s weight acceleration or weight loss?
How are your own feelings about food influencing your children’s relationship with food?
ECE teachers- could meal times at your centre become more peaceful for the hearts, minds and bellies of everyone at the table?
In every aspect of nutrition from dealing with food allergies to starting solids or fussy eating, the how of feeding is important. I combine my extensive knowledge of nutrition science along with psychological approaches to explore this in collaboration with you. I want to minimise the effects of needing to follow a specific diet for health reasons such as allergies or intolerances on a child’s relationship with food. At every stage of the journey, whether it is through our online workshops, face-to-face or one on one, I will walk alongside using compassionate curiosity to enable you to tap into your own innate wisdom and strength so you can find peace, trust and nourish the body you have, find self-compassion and thrive.

At The Food Tree we see health as incorporating both our physical and mental health. Which is why we adopt a holistic approach using current research-based information & proven psychological approaches to support our clients.
Book a consultation with Rachael today,
Together we’ll create a personalised plan to help you and your family make sustainable health and lifestyle changes.
1 hr
240 New Zealand dollars
Compassion is a the core
The root of Racheal's why
I could tell you that I’m one of New Zealand’s most qualified dietitian working in child feeding, fussy eating and body image, instead, I want to tell you why I’m so passionate about what I do and how I can transform things for you and your family.
I grew up in a very food-restricted household. My mum meant well, she wanted the best for us and for me to be healthy. She also had a story she carried with her, as so many of us do. She had grown up with parents who themselves were concerned with health, slimness and looking their best. This filtered down to her and then to me. Sometimes it seems as if fatness was the worst thing in the world. We have been so conditioned by the media to have contempt for fatness. It is a story that is hurting people.
My introduction to diets and restrictions started at a young age, at 13 I went on my first diet. I tried them all, weight watchers, slim fast, the cabbage soup diet and that funny one with the cottage cheese, grapefruit and frankfurter sausages. We used to diet together me and mum. I wasn’t a big child, I had curves, but this path set me up for years of a constant obsession with thinness and critiquing my body. Leaving me with an immense dissatisfaction with the body I had. My genetics dictate that I will never look like the images I was striving for (news flash only 5% of the population have the body type portrayed in the media). Dieting has been proven not to work long-term. It took me personally many years of yo-yo dieting to finally come to a place of peace with food and peace with my body.
Not only have I found peace within myself, but I can also see my approaches working in practice with my own children they have learned to tune into their bodies and trust themselves to self-regulate with food, trusting their body. They will often come to me with a piece of half-eaten cake or a cookie because they’ve had enough. They will eat a wide variety of foods (including vegetables cooked and raw) and willingly try new foods without hesitation.
Imagine a world where all children grew into adults who ate a wide variety of foods and loved their bodies. This is my dream! I desperately want children to go through life without the pain of hating their bodies or feeling shame and guilt about food and eating. A world where all children can learn to eat well, feel healthy and flourish.